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The dialogue channel and turns, some abstract concepts of Rivr.

See: Description

Package Description

The dialogue channel and turns, some abstract concepts of Rivr.

The DialogueChannel is the interface between the dialogue and the controller (e.g. servlet, unit test). The dialogue sends an OutputTurn to the DialogueChannel and gets an InputTurn in return. The dialogue starts with a FirstTurn and must terminate with a LastTurn

The DialogueChannel is wrapped in the DialogueContext

How a dialogue is executed:

  1. The firstTurn, DialogueContext context) method is called by the controller.
  2. The dialogue emits an OutputTurn by invoking dialogueChannel.doTurn(OutputTurn outputTurn)
  3. It receives an InputTurn and use it to progress in the logic.
  4. The last two steps are repeated as required
  5. The dialogue terminates by returning a LastTurn
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